So I'm about to do something I have never done before in my life....blog, which in my book is basically keeping a diary but unlike a diary I will (try to) write more than one entry, you know the one where you write down your age, likes and dislikes and about the lesson that was about keeping journal for future generations (which was the thing that guilted you into writing the entry in the first place), Also other people can read it. But the weird thing about starting this blog today was that I'm not being guilted into it, I'm doing it...well for me, and yes if you were me, that would be the very eerie part about it. So…. About now you should be asking your self who is this person and how did they get access to jays email?? But believe it or not it is really me writing this.
I guess in the great tradition of all great journals/blogs, I should tell you a little about myself to start my story. Where to begin? and the great answer to that question is at the beginning but who really decides where the beginning is (think about that for a while and see where you mind ends up :P)
Okay now I'll be serious (well for the most part) Alright basics: the name is Jay but I also go by Jax, i like my names :D 3 is a good number. I'm a high school graduate who very clueless about what she wants to be when she grows up. For the most part I'm an average quiet girl (more like one of the boys than a girly gal though.)
I'm 5'7 with average brown hair and blue-green-gray eyes (depending on my mood but that's a topic for another post) I live in jeans, and t-shirt whether they be a polo, work shirt or in band shirts. My family simple dad, mom, older married brother (married with soon to be 2 little girls), older sister (married and gave birth to her little girl today, actually) then I have a little sister (whose not married just case your wondering ;P)
Now here comes the passions in my life or in my words the things I’m totally a geek about. I'm going to keep them short cause I'll probably blog them at a later time (lucky you) so my first on my list of many things I geek about are animals, they've been a biggest passion ever since before I could roll over. They are my everything, meaning I Love LOVE animals and not just the cute normal ones all of them including things like spiders, sharks, snakes, rats, and other things most people don't adore but I love them all animals (except mosquitoes they don’t count) but that's something to obsesses about another day.
Another thing I am very passionate about is art. I discovered I could draw almost 2 years and there hasn't been a days since without some kind art, weather it's drawing, painting, ceramics, making jewelry or art in words (Aka poetry). Which I'm hoping to post a piece of art with the very least with each blog post, but I'm hoping I’ll be motivated to post more.
There's many more things I ‘geek’ about but they’ll appear at a later time.
Being me I have many dislikes and fears but why dwell on that ugly picture, I'll just let them flow out when they come up.
Well there’s the basics, this blogging stuff has been kinda odd cuz how much I've written, I usually don’t like writing but I'm not excepting anyone ever to read this, so maybe that’s why I’ve written more than my norm.
Well until my next post which I believe will be very very soon because about to face one of things I hate most, what is it you say you'll just have to read my next post. So here's my first art post which is poem hahaha of course it's a blog :P since it's the who I am post why not end it with a poem about who I am.
I am the ocean blue,
While sailing through
I am a sneaky fox
Slinking behind the crowds,
I am a hammock,
Laid back yet strong,
I am the old book shop,
Forgotten and holding fond memories,
I am the rain,
Connects hearts like earth does the sky,
I am the violin in rock song,
Quiet but always heard,
I am the word euphoria,
Behind stormy eyes.
Love it! My journal entries always went as follow... December 25th, December 25th, December 25th! Pretty pathetic! That's why I love the blogging... it keeps a record of things that I may not have without it!!!! Keep it up! :)